How Do You Stop From Being Bullied?

06/17/2019 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Education,Health

Are you sick of being bullied, tired of being harassed every time you’re in school? Well here a few smart way to stop bullies for sure. In the courtroom & attacking their bank accounts but before you head into court a few things must transpire first before initiating this final step.

First you must document the incident either through text, picture or video. Having documented proof that you are being bullied will only make your case stronger and show that you are a victim and not just telling a falsehood story. To be clear, bullying consist of verbal, physical and social media (cyber) abuse.

Next you must share the information you have gathered with someone. A reliable witness, will be a key factor in your case and if you don’t trust your peers then reach out to someone with a high authority, like your parent, teacher, principal or guidance counselor.

Now if you are scared that the person that is bulling you will get into serious trouble, well don’t be too sympathetic. You need to fully understand that they don’t CARE about you, they wouldn’t be bulling you in the first place if they cared about you or any other person. Hurting someone verbally or physically repeatedly clearly shows that the person characteristic  is destructive and hateful.

Finally, after you have shared your situation with your peers, if the bullying continue, now you have to get legal authority involve. First file a harassment report with your local police department. They will then give you a case number in which you can use to file a restraining order toward the bully. This will force the school to separate the bully from all your classes until the case is resolved. Now if they are multiple bullies then you can have all of them in the same police report.

In case you are wondering about receiving money for your pain and suffering, if you were physically or verbally abused by a bully, you can be awarded a sum of money. For example if a bully pushed you or did anything physically without your consent and it causes you pain, … THAT’S MONEY IN THE BANK! Whatever expense that came out your pocket will be rewarded back to you. Just add all your medical fees and even time missed from work into your case.

Say if the bulling is just verbally, you can also receive a settlement if the verbally abuse is cause you to feel depressed which then you have to start taking antidepressants or force you to therapy sessions. This may result in you getting a lawyer because non-physically abuse is a bit harder to win in court.

Now I know deep down in your heart you really don’t want to get anyone in trouble but think about the other victims that may be impacted in the future. Bullies have a tendency of abusing their love one and other people. In most cases they grow up showing no respect toward authority because they were never punished for their action when they were younger.

Observe This Analogy

If you saw a house on fire, your first reaction is to call 911. If you notice that the fire was spreading either to your property or another, you would evacuate as many people as possible because you don’t want to see anybody getting hurt.

Same thing applies with a bully, they’re like a fire and some time you need to get a few professional involve to douse its flames before it get stronger and more destructive. By being brave you will be saving your life and many others.


Do you need a lawyer to file your case or sue someone one? NO
If you are a minor you may need a guardian or parent to be there in court with you, depending on how severe the case may be.

Do you need money to sue someone? NO
If you or your guardian/parent doesn’t have the funds to file suit, some court houses are willing to waive the court fees if you make a certain amount of income. You may ask your district court house clerk for more information.

Can you get in trouble for lying in the courtroom? YES
Perjury is no joke, if you are caught lying about your case, you just committed perjury which is punishable by law.
